Step-by-step guide on how to paint
If painting your space feels a bit daunting — don’t worry, once you get started you’ll realise how easy it is. Our simple step-by-step guide will get you painting like a pro. Read on to get rolling!
Tools you’ll need (and want)
- Angled Brush
- Roller Frame
- Roller Cover
- Paint Tray
- Painter’s Tape
- Dropsheet
- Extension Pole
- Sanding Sponge
Nice to haves
- Paint Pot
- Mini Roller Frame
- Mini Roller Cover
- Tray Liners
Getting ready
Step 1: Get sanding
Check the surface for any rough spots, bumps or loose paint. Use your sanding sponge to smooth it all down.
Tint Tip: If the surface does have some rough spots, you might need to use Prep to prepare the surface before you paint the colour coat. Find out more here.
Step 2: Clean the surface
Mix a drop (or two) of mild detergent with warm water and wipe down your surface using a clean cloth. When you’re done, wipe things down with clean water to remove any soap, then wait until completely dry.
Step 3: Put down your dropsheets
It’s time to drop those sheets. Cover anything you want to protect from splashes, including the floor. If you’ve got a large room, you can move the dropsheet around as you go.
Step 4: Tape
You’re almost ready to paint! Tape up anything you’d like to protect like light switches, power points, door knobs and trims.
Tint Tip: Every time you stick on a new section of tape, overlap a few centimetres with the last bit. Once in place press it down firmly, edge to edge, to ensure no paint seeps underneath.
Step 5: Stir it up
Give your paint a good stir all the way to the bottom. Stir for at least a minute or until the colour is consistent — and Yes, even white paint needs to be stirred
Tint Tip: Always place your paint and tools on your drop sheet in case of any splashes or spills — or even better, use your Tint box to store your open can while you’re painting.
Let the painting begin
Tint Tip We find it’s easiest to paint from top to bottom starting with your ceilings, then walls and finishing with your trim — but you can go in any order you like.
Step 6: Cut in
Now grab your brush to cut in the edges of your space. “Cutting in” means using a brush to paint around the edges of your space or smaller items like corners, fittings, windows and doors. That’ll save you from getting too close with a roller which is harder to control than a brush.
Brush in the edges first, then blend out any excess paint with back and forth strokes, creating a smooth edge. Start each new stroke in a dry area away from your previous wet edge and work back towards it so they overlap about 10cm. You should end up with a smooth border around your surface.
Brush in the edges first, then blend out any excess paint with back and forth strokes, creating a smooth edge. Start each new stroke in a dry area away from your previous wet edge and work back towards it so they overlap about 10cm. You should end up with a smooth border around your surface.
Step 7: Get ready to roll
Fill about half of your tray with paint, then dip your roller and roll it up the ramp until evenly coated but not dripping. Make sure dry rollers are well coated before you start painting. An extension pole is a great idea to save your back from bending down each time you need to reload your roller.
Step 8: Let’s roll
Pick a side to start on then work your way across to the other side in large columns. The easiest way to get a smooth finish is to roll in a large zig-zag pattern that looks like a stretched out ‘M’ or a ‘W’. Overlap each roll a bit as you go. Each time you reload your roller, start a new section in a dry area then roll back to overlap the existing patch slightly. That way you won’t put down too much paint on spots that you’ve already painted. It’s hard to get it wrong — so just go for it and you’ll get a feel pretty quickly for how much paint you need on the roller and how far that’ll get you before you need to reload.
Tint Tip: Go slow and steady. When using a roller use a gentle, steady pressure — pressing too hard and moving too quickly will create splashes.
We always recommend painting two coats for the best finish. Leave at least 2 hours between each coat. Don’t forget to cut in on your second coat too.
Tint Tip: Store your tools in the accessories bag to prevent them from drying while you down a cuppa between coats.
Clean, tidy and enjoy!
Once you’ve finished painting, let your paint dry for at least 20 mins but no more than 24 hours before removing your tape. Since all our paints are water-based, clean up is super easy. Simply wash your tools with warm soapy water, then rinse until the water runs clear. Let them dry out before putting them away.
Last but most important, take a step back and appreciate your masterpiece — you did it! Don’t forget to share your space with the Tint community, @tint.paint #mytint.
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